Privacy Policy

Table of contents

General data protection information
Website use
Social media (Instagram and YouTube)

General Data Protection Information 

Thank you for visiting one of the websites of Stiftung zur Förderung der Hochschulrektorenkonferenz (Foundation for the Promotion of the German Rectors’ Conference, hereinafter referred to as “HRK”, “we” or “us”), as here: AN! Recognition at universities (AN! Anerkennung und Anrechnung im Studium) of the HRK MODUS – Enhancing student mobility across educational boundaries through recognition (Mobilität und Durchlässigkeit stärken: Anerkennung und Anrechnung an Hochschulen) project.

We take the protection of personal data and their confidential treatment very seriously. Below you will find general information on data protection as well as information on the processing of your personal data and your rights when using our offers.Your personal data are processed exclusively in compliance with the applicable statutory provisions of data protection law, in particular the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter referred to as “GDPR”) and the German Federal Data Protection Act (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz, “BDSG”).

  1. The controller responsible for the processing of your personal data is:

Stiftung zur Förderung der Hochschulrektorenkonferenz
Ahrstraße 39
53175 Bonn
Tel.: +49 228 887-153
Fax: +49 228 887-280
E-mail: post[at]

  1. Our data protection officer can be contacted as follows:

Mr Florian Reichert
Scheja & Partners GmbH & Co. KG
Adenauerallee 136
53113 Bonn
Tel.: +49 228 227 226-0

  1. Subject matter of data protection

The subject matter of data protection is personal data, i.e., any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (“data subject”). This includes data such as name, postal address, e-mail address or phone number.

If you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data, you may contact us free of charge. Please use our contact details stated above.

  1. Your data subject rights

You have the following rights regarding the processing of your personal data:

Right to access: You have the right to obtain confirmation from us as to whether or not we process any personal data concerning you. If this is the case, you have the right to obtain access to your personal data and further information regarding the processing.

Right to rectification: You have the right to obtain the rectification of your inaccurate personal data and to have incomplete personal data completed.

Right to erasure (“right to be forgotten”): Under certain circumstances, you have the right to obtain erasure of your personal data. This right exists, for example, when the personal data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed or if the personal data were processed unlawfully.

Restriction of processing: Under certain circumstances, you have the right to request restriction of the processing of your personal data. In this case, we only store the personal data for which you gave your consent or for which the GDPR allows processing. For example, you may have a right to restrict processing if you contested the accuracy of your personal data.

Data portability: If you provided us with personal data on the basis of a contract or consent, you may request to receive the personal data provided by you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format or to transmit these data to another controller responsible for the processing – provided that the legal requirements are met.

Withdrawal of consent: If you gave your consent to the processing of your personal data, you may withdraw this consent at any time with effect for the future. This does not affect the lawfulness of processing of your personal data before the withdrawal.

Right to object
Right to object on a case-by-case basis:

You have the right to object at any time, on grounds relating to your particular situation, to the processing of personal data concerning you that is based on Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR (data processing on grounds of a balancing of interests). If you lodge an objection, we no longer process your personal data unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing that override your interests, rights and freedoms or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

Right to object to data processing for direct marketing purposes: 
You have the right to object at any time to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes. If you object to processing, your personal data are no longer processed for these purposes.

Right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority:

Moreover, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority if you believe that the processing of your personal data infringes applicable law. For this, you may approach the data protection authority that is responsible for your habitual residence, place of work or the place of the alleged infringement or the data protection authority that is responsible for us. The competent supervisory authority is that of the federal state in which you live, work or an alleged infringement took place that is the subject matter of the complaint.If you have any questions regarding the assertion of your above-mentioned data subject rights, you may contact us free of charge. Please use our contact details stated above.

  1. Amendment of this privacy policy

We reserve the right to amend and revise this privacy policy from time to time. Please refer to the current version of our privacy policy.

Last update of the privacy policy: September 2022.

Website use

When using the offers of the website AN! Recognition at universities (AN! Anerkennung und Anrechnung im Studium), the General Data Protection Information applies.

  1. Details on services, cookies, etc.

1.1 Own services
To the “Own services” table (pdf)

1.2 Integration of third-party services including cookies and comparable technologies

We integrate third-party services in order to enable you to use their functions, services and features. These integrated third-party services are designed and provided by the respective providers. Therefore, we have only limited influence on the design, content and function of these third-party services or the processing of personal data by their providers. Please obtain information directly from the providers of the integrated services.

We use cookies and comparable technologies on our website in order to offer a comprehensive range of functions, to make use more convenient and to be able to optimise our offers. Cookies are small text files that are generated by a web server and stored on your computer during the online visit by means of the web browser used. 

On the one hand, we use “session cookies” for this purpose. These are erased automatically once your browser session has ended.

On the other hand, we also use long-term cookies, which are primarily used to provide you, a visitor to our website, with permanently recurring settings. This allows us to adapt our website individually to your wishes. Long-term cookies also allow us to analyse the usage behaviour of visitors, but only within the scope of the cookie’s validity period.

Moreover, in connection with the integration of certain third-party services, further cookies may be set by their providers (“third-party cookies”).

If you do not want any cookies to be used, you may prevent cookies from being stored on your device by making the appropriate settings in your internet browser or by making these settings individually in the Cookie Center. Please note that this might restrict the functionality and scope of functions of our offer. Furthermore, we only set certain cookies if you previously consented to this (see below). You can also make use of separate objection options for certain cookies (see below). Please refer to the information in the table below for detailed information on the type, scope, purposes, legal bases and options to object to data processing in connection with these cookies.

To the “Third-party services” table (pdf) 

1.3 Links
Our website contains “hyperlinks” to websites of other providers. If you follow these links by clicking on them, you are redirected from our website directly to the website of another provider. You can recognise this by the change of URL, among other things. We cannot accept any responsibility for the confidential handling of your personal data on the part of these providers as we have no influence on this.

Social Media (Instagram und YouTube)

When using the offers of the social media channels of AN! and the HRK MODUS project, we would like to inform you below about which personal data is processed within the following social media company profiles:

The information in this privacy policy relates to the processing of your personal data in connection with your visit to our social media company profiles, insofar as this is carried out by us.

  1. Purposes and Legal Basis 
    a) Establishing contact and interaction

    We process your personal data when you contact us via our above-mentioned company profiles by using the functions provided for this purpose (e.g. messages, comment function, posts, “Like” button, forwarding/sharing/”Retweet”) or by accessing the content provided by us (e.g. videos).

    If you contact us in this way, we process your directly visible personal data (usually: user name, profile picture, message content, including any photos contained therein, date and time of the interaction) to respond to your contact. We also process your personal data to present the HRK and its projects to the outside world and to provide information about us. Furthermore, we process your personal data to optimise our products, services and projects.

    The legal basis for the processing is Article 6(1)(f) GDPR. The legitimate interest pursued by us lies in establishing contact with (potential) members, contractual partners and interested parties, the external presentation of HRK, as well as in informing you about our products, services and projects and optimising them.

    The legal basis for the processing of your personal data is Article 6(1)(b) GDPR if you contact us via one of our social media company profiles for the purpose of concluding or executing a contract with us.

    b) Analyses for statistical purposes using Page Insights
    We use Page Insights on our social media company profiles for the purpose of designing and continuously optimising our offer in line with requirements. When you visit or interact with our company profile, we receive anonymised information from the provider in the form of statistics about our visitors and their interaction on our company profile (Page Insights).

    We process the data with the help of Page Insights for the purpose of optimising our offer and to ensure more effective communication with (potential) members, contractual partners and interested parties.

    The legal basis for the processing of your personal data is Article 6(1)(f) GDPR. The legitimate interest pursued by us lies in improving our offering on our social media company profiles.

    c) Social media targeting
    If we were to carry out an extended comparison with personal data uploaded by us to the respective social media platform as part of interest-based advertising, this would only be done on the basis of your consent (Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR). The privacy policy provided when consent is obtained applies.
  2. Recipients of personal data
    The recipients of personal data are the operators of the social media platforms as described in the respective privacy policies:

    Instagram privacy policy, available at:
    YouTube and Google privacy policy, available at:

    The HRK Modus project and AN! also work with external service providers (so-called processors), such as service providers for IT maintenance services. These service providers may only act in accordance with the instructions of the HRK and are contractually obliged to comply with the applicable data protection requirements.

    Insofar as this is legally permissible and necessary to comply with applicable law or to assert, exercise or defend legal claims, the HRK passes on personal data to courts, authorities or law firms.
  1. Data processing in third countries
    We do not transfer your personal data to countries outside the European Economic Area (i.e. to “third countries”). However, the social media platforms may also process personal data outside the European Economic Area, over which we have no influence or access. Further details can be found in the privacy policies listed in section 4.
  2. Duration of storage
    For the purpose of organising our competitions, the account names of the participants will be stored until the winner(s) has/have been determined and then deleted. The names and address data of the winners will be stored until the prizes are drawn and then deleted.

    Otherwise, we delete the data when it is no longer required for the purposes pursued by us and no other legal basis, in particular statutory or contractual retention periods, intervene. If you contact us via HRK’s social media company profiles (e.g. comment function), we will process your data for no longer than the period for which it is visible to us. You can determine the visibility of certain functions yourself by removing your respective data, e.g. by deleting your comment on an HRK social media company profile or your rating.

The regulations concerning the social media accounts of the HRK Modus project and AN! also apply the above mentioned data subject rights and external links of the general data protection information.


We reserve the right to amend and revise this privacy policy from time to time. Please refer to the current version of our privacy policy in this regard.

Status: September 2022.